Monday, May 04, 2009

It's graduation time! What a lot of work these wonderful folks have done! We'll be leaving on Saturday for the big events with a week in between for the family in a house on Martha's Vineyard.

These images of spring are now a week or two old. But the azaleas are still bright, though lots of rain have left the blossoms scattered underneath most bushes.

Steve planted this beautiful pink dogwood just this spring. The blossoms were glorious and held a luminescence of their own.

Amidst many rain showers, a little sunshine.

When the cherry blossoms start to fall in earnest, they cover completely sidewalks and streets. (A friend's son even had an accident in his car sliding into a ditch on a patch of pink blossoms to the tune of $2800 in repairs.) This view faces left from our driveway. It's a flower girl gone mad!

Looking towards our driveway from our neighbor's.

I cannot stop admiring the delicate pansy faces.

Our azaleas out the back door. This picture is NOT doctored in any way. The color is staggering and amazing every year.


Tesha said...

I love the spring! Congrats to both Eden and Elliott!!

Ann said...

Congrats to the graduates and gardeners! -caleb

Kathy Stegall said...

What a beautiful display! Steve, you have nurtured a lovely thing of grace. It must be so renewing to just sit on your deck and take it all in. Wish I could join you for coffee this morning.