The final good-byes in the parking lot after the "Service of Assurance & Affirmation." It was different than when my parents sent me off from my driveway in Topeka, KS in a car load of college kids for Pennsylvania without so much as a hot pot, let alone a service of assurance and affirmation. But really, I was so glad to be there! August 25.
This is Rider House, Jonathan's residence. His window is the top left one.
Jonathan's bed--yes, the one with the guitar on it and the sheets we sent Elliott off to UVA with. Hope they feel soft. They should.
Dad writing a note for Jonathan to find later at his desk in Rider House.
Jessica getting organized!
And. . . at the airport August 23 . . .
We thought this was her plane taking off, but really it wasn't. She sat on the runway another 2 hours and the sprinted across JFK Airport in NYC while they held the door for her flight to Brussells. Quite an experience, even for her mother vicariously! Lots of phone calls via borrowed cell phones of other passengers about how to proceed if she missed her flight. She didn't--thank God--even though her luggage did. Another story....