Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Special Dream

Last night, or actually this morning, I had a dream.  I don't usually remember my dreams, and if I do, they are often of the incoherent variety.  But this one was different.  I was at school working with some children in the library.  I was aware that my parents were coming to see us, and that they would be at home when I got there.  All of a sudden, the two of them walked into the library, all smiles, to surprise me at work.  They were much like they are in this picture--lively and quite healthy, having driven from Kansas, of course.  I gasped, ran to them, and burst out crying (something I am not prone to do easily) as I embraced my mom.  The dream ended suddenly then before I could also hug my dad.  

I woke up with such a realization of how much I miss them!  That isn't something I think about during the moments of the day, though they often come to my memory for one reason or another.  My mom died a little over a year ago now and my dad about 12 years ago.  Their presence in some form or another of influence, love, and prayerful concern though will always be with me.  


Mother's Day Gifts -- May 12, 2013

I had very sweet Mother's Day remembrances from all my children.  The Monday before Mother's Day, I went with Eden to look for a bridal gown.  Afterwards we had a nice hot cup of tea at Starbuck's.  She left town on Friday for a trip to Switzerland.

On Mother's Day afternoon as I was driving home from church I had a call from Elliott who had just arrived in Germany where he had a conference and training for the next two weeks.  I also had the kindest email from Becca who made me feel very special with her warm and loving words.

When I got home (and Steve) David and Jonathan came over to visit for a couple of hours.  That was very sweet, and it was a beautiful day to sit outside and enjoy some strawberry shortcake together.  Erika was sleeping in preparation for a night shift in the NICU, but not before she took the time to send a happy greeting for Mother's Day via email.

After the boys (now men) left, Steve and I went to the C & O Canal National Park Site to ride our bikes along the canal.  It was such a perfect day for it.

And on Monday after Mother's Day, Jessica came home from a weekend trip to San Francisco with a friend and surprised me with a special tea mug and tea infuser and special strawberry rhubarb tea from David's Tea.

The perfect card--with Jessica and Jonathan on my lap

The box

The tea

Looking down on the mug's lid in the box

Tea steeping

Mmmmm--ready to drink