Sunday, March 08, 2009

Hope of what is to come

Though our big snow was less than a week ago (or perhaps because of that), our crocuses have started blooming in the front yard.

Jessica returned from Tortola and spring break with Eden (See Eden's blog link on right) and is headed back to Charlottesville this afternoon. But first, we had a walk to Lake Accotink.

And in addition to those hopeful signs, the peeper frogs are singing in the ditches. I love that sound!

1 comment:

Kathy Stegall said...

Snow and then blossoms.
Hope. I tell my students I want my classroom to be a place of "HOPE". I define it as an optimistic expectation for the future based on action taken today. Is that a true definition? I guess the action taken today for the hope of spring is the earth's tilt pointing us, day by day, more directly to the sun. In the ultimate sense of hope, it was the action of Jesus that enables hope and not just wishful thinking.
"...and hope does not disappoint." Such a comfort!